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Clear your skin of unsightly thread veins

in Radlett, Hertfordshire

Veinwave® treatment permanently removes the highly visible veins just below the surface of the skin known as thread veins or spider veins by exposing precisely targeted areas to microwaves. Heat energy destroys the vein, allowing it to be reabsorbed by the body over time.

Veinwave® treatment is a swift and effective solution for the treatment of red veins and vascular blemishes and is equally sought-after by men and women. Unlike Intense Pulsed Light and laser treatments, which can also remove thread veins, Veinwave® doesn’t result in loss of pigmentation and causes minimal discomfort.

Microsclerotherapy for leg thread veins

Microsclerotherapy involves the injection of a diluted drug, called a sclerosant, directly into the visible thread veins.

Microsclerotherapy is an effective treatment of thread veins on the legs. Thread veins are small veins, they can be blue, purple, or red. It’s like they just appear. They are veins that have been put under pressure and are permanently dilated. Although they aren’t typically painful many of us wish to remove them. They are often hereditary, but they can also be caused by hormonal changes, ageing and standing for long periods of time.

Microsclerotherapy uses Fibrovein, which is FDA approved for the treatment of small spider / thread leg veins. We inject this directly into the veins resulting in the vein collapsing which forces the blood to reroute through healthier veins. The collapsed vein is then reabsorbed into local tissue and eventually fades. Treated veins tend to fade within a few weeks. But in some cases it can take a month or so to see the full results and subsequent treatments may be required.

Procedure time: 45 minutes
Pain: mild discomfort

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Benefits of Veinwave

at The Skin Care Clinic

Veinwave® is effective in the treatment of a range of vascular and skin conditions, including:

  • Facial thread veins
  • Milia (small white dots)
  • Skin tags
  • Campbell-de-Morgan spots (red dots or bumps)
  • Small ankle thread veins

Frequently Asked Questions

About Veinwaves

  • What are thread veins?

    Thread veins are tiny veins close to the surface of the skin which have become enlarged. They are highly visible, ranging from deep red to blue and purple, and tend to occur around the nose and across the cheeks.

  • How does Veinwave® treatment work?

    Veinwave® delivers a targeted burst of energy to the vein through an insulated needle. Heat energy causes the vein to collapse, after which it is absorbed and disposed of by the body as waste, clearing the skin of the unsightly blemish.

  • Does Veinwave® treatment hurt?

    Veinwave® produces a stinging sensation similar to a hair being plucked, though the experience of this varies from person to person and the sensitivity of the area being treated.

  • What will my skin look like during recovery?

    Any initial redness will quickly fade on the day of treatment. On the second day, tiny scabs might develop at the contact points, but these will typically resolve within 3-7 days.

  • What kind of aftercare should I prepare for after Veinwave® treatment?

    Aftercare for Veinwave® treatment is minimal. You will be supplied with a soothing cream to apply for the first couple of days, and we recommend applying a factor 50 sunblock to protect your treated skin.

  • How many Veinwave® treatments will I need?

    For many clients a single treatment is enough, but if thread veins are extensive then follow-up treatments might be necessary.

Your Journey

Your Consultation

Consultation is the important first step in the treatment journey. We listen carefully and ask questions to understand your concerns and desired outcome. Based on what we learn from you, and drawing on our expertise and knowledge, we’ll create your tailored treatment plan.

Your Treatment

Whether you’re looking to get rid of, or remove unwanted blemishes, rejuvenate your skin, or enjoy the benefits of one of our skin peels, our expert clinicians will bring their knowledge, experience, and skills to bear to help treat your concerns and achieve your aesthetic goals.


Most treatments require some form of aftercare, ranging from a topical ointment to longer periods of recovery after more intensive procedures. We’ll provide you with clear guidelines for the aftercare of your treated skin, enabling you to safeguard and maintain your results.

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